It is my humble opinion that authors are a bit judgemental towards themselves. Oh wait! Is that just me…. Well, if this resonates with you, and you are struggling to manage #RealLife with #writerslife then bend your ear.
They say – write every day!
Well, #RealLife. The reality is that isn’t always possible. I teach just under a hundred kids, have two of my own that my husband and I homeschool. I have a body that I should probably feed, bathe, and exercise. I have friends, family, and functions I need to attend to. And I haven’t even mentioned laundry, cleaning, and the most important drinking coffee (I mean sleeping!) But all of it, everything gets shut down when I get sick.
They say – build an author’s platform!
Wait! What? Really? Yup really. Now, add the demands of writing! Post on #Instagram daily, post on #Twitter daily, post to your blog, post to your website, post to your __________… The list goes on and on, and that doesn’t include writing the book you are currently writing, revising the one you just finished, recording every amazing idea that comes to you in your dreams and during daylight. Make a plan, keep that plan, revise it when you don’t keep the plan. Send out queries, join contests, participate in hashtag events,… Talk to your followers, like their content… The list just continues without stopping!
But when you get sick you need to stop!
Honestly. Stop and rest, drink tea, take care of you! The world turns with or without you. You will get caught up. You will find a way. Somehow, and even if you don’t you are more important than your creations. You are worth time, rest, relaxation. You’ll find you probably heal more quickly if you take the time when you should. You might even find that your works in progress all of a sudden break through the invisible barrier you’d been fighting. Our brains and bodies are incredible creations that require rest and work best when they are given what they need.
Here I am. A writer, a teacher, a mother, a wife, a Christian, a woman with a chest infection, and I am going to rest and relax so that I can heal. #liveabalancedwriterslife